August 5, 2013. StOttilien. 1. Why do people who are not "evil" take the first step into evil? What, for instance, is involved in taking that first step "down the primrose path to the everlasting bonfire" ( Macbeth , 2.3)? What are the consequences of the individual choosing evil (particularly the internal consequences)? Those who take that first step to being evil do so for selfish reasons that come with benefits to one's own desires. We often think why are people evil? What drove them to be the way that they are? The answer is that they all wanted something to benefit their own life. Being evil is not something people are born with. They become evil through their experiences and expectations. Taking the first steps to being evil involves a motivation, a goal, and no other way to reach that goal. For Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, the reason that they became evil and killed King Duncan was because the prophecy said that Macbeth would be the king and they...
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro (2005) All four of the covers given use blues and greens in the images to show the somber-like mood that the story gives off. Of the four, three of these show human beings, although one is simply a drawing of organs rather than an actual photograph. The last one is a boat on a body of water, but shows signs of human life. All of the covers but one contain not only the title and author, they also have a quote from a book review as well as a mention of the Man Booker Award that it won, drawing attention to the potential readers in showing that it is worth the read since it won such an award. Out of the four covers provided, these two stuck out to me the most. I was intrigued with the imagery of the cover on the left from the plot line of Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy visiting the boat, and I loved the second cover due to the display of internal organs due to this being the reason that these students are born and what their meaning ...
The moment you’ve all been waiting for… another Tay - Tina Collablog. You’re welcome. Thanks to our loyal followers, you keep us going. #2peat. xoxo, T & C. Some guiding questions we decided to further explore: 1. How would you describe the “ American Dream ?” Ahh yes, the American Dream. I would describe the “American Dream” as the 1920s if I were asked to classify it as a time period. If I were asked in a more general sense, I would say the American Dream is an ideology in the minds of Americans in which they wish for a more prosperous future. In the context of the 1920s and The Great Gatsby , this idea of the American Dream can be seen through the upward social mobility for the American citizens in the book. In the 1920s, America had just got out of WW1, so there was a huge economic boom. This allowed people to work hard and move their status economically or socially if desired. The culture in America revolved around materialistic things because citizens had more...
I love this post!! So thought out and well written. I really like your analysis section too. Keep up the good work!!