Blog Post 3 - Seven Deadly Sins
Buzz in a Box - 2013 When taking a first glance at this advertisement we can see that it is from the Coca-Cola company, it is a picture of a Pepsi can with a Coca-Cola cape on it, it is set outside on a rock, and it says "Everybody wants to be a hero!" However, as we take a deeper look into this image we see that Pepsi released an advertisement against Coca-Cola with this exact same image, but the words on the ad said "We wish you a scary Halloween!" and this ad by Coca-Cola then came out as a reaction to Pepsi. This shows that there is a rivalry between Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and Coca-Cola believes that they are the better of the two brands. In reference to the seven deadly sins, this shows Pride because Coca-Cola is confident that they are better than their rival, Pepsi. The audience for this advertisement is soda drinkers because they want to get the message out that if they were to pick a brand to drink, they should pick Coca-Cola over Pepsi. This audienc...